If you like computers and new technologies, why don’t you consider studying Computer Engineering? This degree will allow you to work in one of the professions with the highest demand and the greatest projection for the future.
The advancement of new technologies requires professional experts in this field, which makes the career of computer science is one of the most valued. Therefore, deciding to study a degree in Computer Engineering can be synonymous with secure employment, given that the job market is asking for qualified professional profiles to develop the different tasks related to this area.
This degree has several job opportunities, hence it is a very attractive career for many students and, given the trend of the labor market, deciding to train in this field is postulated as an excellent investment in the future.
Degree in Computer Engineering and Virtual Technologies
Computer engineering is a highly demanded specialty in a world dominated by computers and the Internet. If you decide to orientate your professional future in this field, go ahead! It is the branch of engineering that deals with aspects of electronics, software engineering and the creation of solutions in the field of computing.
That is why during your training you will acquire specific knowledge in these subjects so that, once you finish your studies, you will be able to apply this knowledge to the activities of the profession of computer engineer.
If you are interested in specialising in this field, Loyola Andalusia University offers a degree in Computer Engineering and Virtual Technologies, a proposal that adds a plus to your training as a computer engineer as it develops, from the very first courses, numerous specific skills aimed at the simulation and video game sector.
The video game industry is a sector that has experienced spectacular growth in the last two decades, reaching in a global revenue figure in excess of 100 billion dollars. The most expensive launch, Destiny, exceeded $500 million in investment, more than the production of any film or entertainment product in history.
Along with these large launches, there are small companies that carry out smaller projects covering a wide range of applications and uses. Examples of technologies included in this group are social networks, applications for mobile devices, custom applications, software for education, training, rehabilitation, software components or simulators for science and research, among others.
The technology used in the creation and development of videogames does not have its application limited to the entertainment branch, but progressively and intensively opens the way in other sectors where the training of visual and psychomotor skills is relevant.
Computer Engineering Career Opportunities
Depending on the profile in which you want to specialize you can perform one or other functions as a graduate in Computer Engineering and Virtual Technologies, given the wide range of career opportunities that has this degree.
To the tasks of web programmer, creator of mobile applications, technological consultant, manager of computer projects or designer of computer systems, are added those related to the own technologies of the video games applied in flight simulators, applications of preparation for the manipulation of machinery, training programs for medicine and surgery.
To this we must add that simulation technologies are increasingly used in industrial product design processes and also in business modeling and logistics, therefore, the sectors of simulator development and video game design are especially attractive in terms of employability and potential for expansion for professionals who have a degree in Computer Engineering and Virtual Technologies.
The current trend shows that the commitment to the realization of a career of this type is a guarantee of employment, not only within, but also outside our borders, given the global nature of this profession.
Therefore, if you are passionate about information technology, new technologies and innovation, take into account the possibilities offered by this career and bet on training with a high probability of insertion into the labour market.